We offer an amazing Honor Food Pantry, free and open each Monday for drive-through delivery. Honor Food Pantry is open Mondays only from 11 am for West Marin seniors 70 and older, and from noon for all other West Marin residents until we run out of bags. This is a drive through, 1-bag give-away. We offer regular bags, vegetarian bags and gluten free bags. Donations are welcome. Through ExtraFood.org, our volunteers gather wholesome fruits, vegetables, bread, pizza, and protein from local grocery stores, bakeries and delicatessens. All people are welcome to self-select one full grocery bag of delicious items.
Our church is a delivery point for meals on wheels of West Marin Senior Services, with volunteer drivers.
Our Lenten Soup Suppers are enjoyed by families in the weeks leading to Easter. Soup, salad, and dessert are free. Children and adults join in sing-alongs, saying grace, Bible skits and other programs of spiritual interest.
Our Sunday offering of “2 cents a meal” and deacons donations go to the San Geronimo Food bank, and regional food programs.
We support our presbytery’s Pedal for Protein team on their annual week-long bicycle ride along the North Coast, raising funds to increase protein supplies in regional food banks.