Pastor Kate Clayton loves the diversity of West Marin and this congregation. Her life has been shaped by following Jesus in a variety of Protestant traditions and congregations, and by learning experiences in Germany and Italy. Her passions include movies and books, travel, and Jazzercise! Kate’s daughter lives and teaches in the Bay Area; her son Seth is an actor in New York City.
While Pastor Kate is on sabbatical, you may contact our Session Elders, Stan Loar by email [email protected], or Kevin Haroff by email [email protected].
Jef Labes, Music Director Jef Labes has a history in music going back to 1967. He contributed to the recordings and performances of bands and artists, wrote and arranged songs, music for television, films and theater. He spent 20 years as music teacher in public schools in Marin and Richmond and taught piano to scores of private students. All along he performed in clubs on weekends and worked on numerous community theater productions. He has played liturgical music in churches and synagogues for many years, and finds himself most comfortable with the San Geronimo community. He and his wife, Eva, have raised four kids together over the past twenty years and his first son, Jon, has contributed 2 grandkids.